Monday, October 8, 2007

Amino loading

High Impact Protein for More Muscle
and Less Fat

By: Scott H. Mendelson, Managing Director, Infinity Fitness LLC

Theoretically, a 2 fold increase of your net protein intake will double your rate of muscle growth; however, this has been only a dream until now.


The body can only make full use of amino acids if these three problems are solved.

  • Digestion Damaging Amino Acids
  • Slow Absorption Rates
  • Denaturing of Amino Acids during cooking and

Amino acids are the key tool for accelerating muscle
growth while serving as a powerful fat loss catalyst.
We take for granted the value of this amazing compound because it is no longer a hot topic; falling through the cracks of the priority list.

Free Form Aminos double your net protein intake with minimal additional calories and capitalize on the rapid availability of amino acids exploding into your muscles.

Remember, amino acids are the building blocks for new muscle repair and are a powerful force behind the natural improvement of the anabolic environment crucial for burning fat and gaining muscle.

My friend, Eric Serrano MD, has dedicated a large part of his medical practice to identifying the best sources and protocols for protein consumption to help his patients achieve unparalleled results and great health.

He believes, as do I, that you need more protein than what was previously thought, yet most importantly the sources of protein and their utilization will determine your rate of success.

“Success is not determined only by protein intake, but by how much you absorb and utilize. Muscle Synthesis bypasses absorption limitations and is 100% anabolic on arrival” Dr. Eric Serrano MD

Why Consume More Protein?

Protein itself is beneficial, but the amino acids within are what muscles require to accelerate protein synthesis (muscle growth/repair). With this in mind, Dr. Serrano has always made it a top priority to determine how well different protein sources are utilized by the body.

For example, some manufacturing processes of protein powders, cooking of foods and the digestive process all get in the way of amino acid muscle cell utilization.

I asked Dr. Serrano how much protein would be ideal for gaining maximum lean muscle and to my surprise he said 3 even up to 4 g per pound. That would be 600 to 800 grams for a 200 pound man!

As we all know, people can’t spend all day in the kitchen, day after day, which places limits on how much food can be consumed. Therefore, a supplemental source of protein must be used to complement food intake.

Protein Fact: Cooking temperatures will impact the net utilization of amino acids; well done food is not a good idea if you want to fuel muscles with amino acids. We do not advocate raw diets, but the longer you cook, the higher the rate of protein denaturing.

Protein Powders Fall Short

Protein powders were the logical choice for supplementing protein intake, but they suffer short comings. It is hard to maintain the integrity of amino acids during production due to heating and mixing techniques that must be used for mass production.

This denaturing of the protein reduces their effectiveness. Milk proteins have become the most popular source of powders including whey and casein, however if you have any sensitivity to dairy, stomach upset is a symptom of lactose intolerance and while some can deal with this, this indicates that the body is not properly absorbing these proteins.

Be sure to rotate your protein shakes as you can build allergies to these products causing fatigue, increased body fat, stomach upset and many other symptoms associated with food allergies.

Free Form Amino Acids - The Ultimate Protein Supplement

Supplemental sources of Free Form Amino Acids are interpreted as real food by the body and should be consumed to ensure adequate amino acid availability for working muscles.

Muscle Synthesis is a refined free form amino acid complex containing the specific ratios required for rapid absorption and accelerated rates of muscle building. Muscle Synthesis bypasses digestion to ensure rapid absorption and utilization of vital amino acids.

Putting Protein Sources to the Test

Dr. Serrano has had several clients follow a diet which included 2g of protein per lean pound of body weight consumed over 6 meals. They ate at least 3 square meals. Half of the subjects consumed shakes as snacks and the other half consumed real food. The group consuming real food as snacks gained the most muscle and lost the most fat.

Shockingly Great Results

The next experiment phase involved using only the free form aminos between meals - no shakes and no food in between meals. Over 6 weeks, we saw people pack on 5 pounds of muscle in some cases and they were ripped to the bone.

At first Dr. Serrano thought the reduction in calories helped to account for the rapid fat loss, but this came into question when a husband and wife came into his office to discuss their great results. He explained the reduction in calories helped reduce their body fat levels, when they looked at him like he was crazy.

They showed Dr. Serrano his notes and he
discovered he had mistakenly told them to consume the same amount of food in three meals as they had in the prior phase (6 solid meals- 2g per pound). As a result there was no reduction in calories yet they still lost an amazing amount of body fat.

Significant Reduction in Fat Mass with No Changes to Diet

Dr. Serrano replicated this experiment with other patients and discovered that there must be a fat burning mechanism created by the Muscle Synthesis between meals and before workouts. Again, following hours in the library and lab we did find relevant research to support the conclusion that free form amino acid supplementation between meals and pre/post workout resulted in a significant reduction of fat mass without any other changes to diet or exercise. (1)

Free Form Amino Acids - The Superior Source of Protein

Looking back at these trials we contemplated how a
supplement could be better than nature’s food between meals.

Free form aminos are superior as they do not encounter any interference from digestion or denaturing. Furthermore their delivery is rapid as we do not have to wait for digestion as we do with food or shakes.

This is especially important pre-and-post workout as the body needs the nutrients now, not in the two-to -three hours it takes to digest a meal!

No other product can compare to Muscle Synthesis as the free form amino acids it contains are of the highest available quality. Slapping a bunch of ingredients together based on their theoretical effectiveness during studies will not result in a good product.

The scientific ratio of amino acids discovered through years of research coupled with absorption technology exclusive to Muscle Synthesis makes it the most powerful amino acid formula in existence.

Muscle Synthesis capsules are easy to use and can
be taken anywhere unlike shakes requiring water and
mixing devices. Capsule delivery is far superior to tablets which can take several hours to break down and utilize.

Better yet, those who do not like taking capsules can twist open the caps and mix with water for the same great absorption ASAP

You have nothing to lose and Everything to Gain

Try Amino Loading between meals for just one month and you will experience the amazing fat loss and muscle growth results for yourself. Amino Loading is about the easiest thing you can do to quickly achieve your goals, no shakes to mix, no cleaning blenders. Just some water and you are set to go!

Muscle Synthesis bypasses digestion, is delivered intact (no damage to amino acids) and his rapidly absorbed faster than any other amino acid on the market.

Amino Load by taking 5 to 10 Muscle Synthesis between meals with a scoop of 100% MR on an empty stomach to increase muscle growth and fat loss 24x7. You will also notice an increased level of energy and reduced appetite.

Pre and Post-Workout

Most importantly, consume pre-and-post-workout to saturate muscle fibers with raw materials vital for growth. (30 minutes before workouts and immediately following) with 2-4 scoops of 100% MR for the best results.

Most researchers do not know this but certain amino acids will compete for absorption and as a result you can be left with very expensive urine instead of great absorption. It has taken many years to determine which aminos clash, but we have done the work and are not about to share these details with anyone.


1 Demura, S., et al. Perceptual Motor Skills 98 (3pt 1): 883-895, 2003

2.Rennie, M.J, and KD Tipton, Protein and Amino acid metabolism during and after exercise and the effects on nutrition. Ann. Rev Nutr. 20:457-483,2000

None of the statements within this article have been approved by the FDA

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